Shortly before 8 pm this evening, firefighters were dispatched to the area of 10th and Tacoma for a house fire. Upon arrival, Engine 27 reported Heavy fire coming from the rear of a two story, wood frame double residence. This is the 3rd time since July that this same house has been set on fire. 12 IFD units responded to this fire and shut down several blocks of 10th street in the 2400 block area for about 2 hours. Firefighters made a quick interior attack on the fire but worry that the continued compromised integrity of the house will cause one them to get injured while fighting the fire. Large holes in the floors, burned out staircases and weakened roof structures all make for treacherous ground inside the burning structure.
Residents who live in the area are scared and angry. They say that homeless people make their way into the home, regardless of the boarded up doors and windows. Gary and Dana Bohannon, live next to the house with their two young sons and their dog Indy..a pit boxer mix. They had to evacuate their home this evening, in bare feet, as the flames from the residence next door, less than 10 feet away, threatened their home. They say they are mad that careless fires are being set for warmth. Gary noticed the large volume of flame as he was walking back home from an errand. He ran inside and told his wife and sons to get out of the house. This is the third time they have stood outside and watched, hoping it didn’t damage their house.
Another issue firefighters dealt with as they fought this fire was a gentleman who carelessly drove over the supply line to the fire hydrant causing it to split and water pressure to the hose lines affected. While every attempt is made by both firefighters and IMPD to get the streets secured in a timely fashion, sometimes people drive over the hose with disregard for firefighter safety. The supply hoses that firefighters lay to hydrants are not built to withstand the friction and pressure of an automobile driving over it. They are clearly visible, with their bright yellow covering and should never, ever be driven over. In this case, another citizen who witnessed the car driving over the hose, got the drivers information and turned it over to IMPD.
The Indianapolis Fire Department would like to remind everyone to be alert for anyone trespassing into these vacant homes and setting fires. While the need for warmth as the weather grows colder is certainly understood, we do not want anyone to get hurt by the careless setting of fires inside a home. Please call crime stoppers at 262-tips and let them know if you see any suspicious activity. Firefighters had the fire under control in about 15 minutes and no injuries were reported. According to Battalion Chief Dave Harris, the damage is estimated at $10,000.
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