From the IFD: Winnie Withers who lives at 8604 E 37th Place woke up this morning to her dog "Bear" barking only to find an 8 by 8 foot hole in the East side of her one story brick ranch home. Sometime after she went to sleep last night and before she awoke this morning, someone drove into the side of her home and left. A Hit and Run. No one in the home was injured and damage is estimated at 15,000 dollars. Ms. Withers stated that she did not hear or see anything until a neighbor knocked on her door to see if she was ok after noticing the hole. Ms. Withers states the hole sits where her kitchen is, and had she been awake she would have probably been sitting at the desk located there. IMPD on the scene says that the vehicle was heading West on Dewberry when it left the road, went across the street into her yard, glanced off a large tree and into the East wall of the house. They then backed up and left. Due to the magnitude of the impact they assume extensive damage to the car, airbag deployment and possible injury to the driver. The house is uninhabitable at this time and IFD Victims Assistance was called. However, Ms. Withers will be staying with someone at her church tonight. IFD'S Collapse Rescue Team (CRT) was called out to stabilize the structure.
Regarding the earlier run at 8604 E 37th Pl. Ms. Withers awoke at approximately 7:40 am. It is unclear at what she went to bed last evening. IFD was dispatched at 8:01 am. Also the correct spelling of the street is Dubarry.
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